3D Print Gyroid in Tetradecahedral Shape

Models of the single and double gyroid, clipped within a 14-sided polyhedron.
The following models are available through my ‘shop’ Curved Complexities at Shapeways. When considering to order copies of these, please consider that I do not make any profit from selling these models. My shop only displays models which I have had printed by Shapeways in the default material of the respective models (usually White Strong & Flexible), so the 3D print should work fine with this material. I have however no experience in printing the models in a different material (if you do, I’d be interested to hear about it).
(Photographs by Andreas Döring Photography, Frankfurt. Check out Andreas website here: https://andreas-doering.net/)
Single gyroid model of Callophrys rubi’s nanostructure (model size 5 cm)
Click here for a link to my model of the “Single Gyroid” nanostructure realised in the wing-scales of Callophrys rubi, and in some other green butterflies, of symmetry I4_132.
The section represents a 14-sided polytope (Tetradecahedron), ie a cube truncated along the body diagonals. It has outer faces that are clipped vertical to 3-fold and 4-fold rotation axes.
Alan Schoen’s Gyroid Minimal surface (model size 5 cm)
Click here for a link to my model of Alan Schoen’s minimal surface, of symmetry Ia(-3)d.
The section represents a 14-sided polytope (Tetradecahedron), ie a cube truncated along the body diagonals. It has outer faces that are clipped vertical to 3-fold and 4-fold rotation axes.